NOTICE: Public Comment Period Opens for Six Resubmitted Groundwater Sustainability Plans Given ‘Incomplete’ Determinations in October 2023

From the Department of Water Resources:

On October 26, 2023, the Department of Water Resources (Department) released six Incomplete determinations on groundwater sustainability plans (GSPs) developed by local agencies in Northern California to meet the requirements of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). The GSPs covered five Subbasins of the Sacramento Valley (Antelope, Colusa, Corning, Los Molinos, and Red Bluff) and the Big Valley Basin. Local agencies were given 180 days to address deficiencies and resubmit their revised GSPs to the Department for review.  

The six revised GSPs that were resubmitted to the Department are now posted on the DWR SGMA Portal. The plans are open to public comment for 60 days after the posted date. Below in the table are links to the submitted plans, counties they cover, and the public comment period end date. 

Information about how to comment on the plans can be found in a fact sheet in English and Spanish. Public comments are welcomed and encouraged. A SGMA Portal account is not necessary to submit comments. 

Basin  Local ID (if applicable)  County Covered  Public Comment Period End Date 
Big Valley (5-004)  N/A  Lassen, Modoc  6/24/2024 
Antelope  N/A  Tehama  6/24/2024 
Colusa  N/A  Colusa, Glenn  6/24/2024 
Corning  N/A  Glenn, Tehama  6/24/2024 
Los Molinos  N/A  Tehama  6/24/2024 
Red Bluff  N/A  Tehama  6/24/2024 

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