The Central Valley Water Board is inviting the public and other stakeholders to submit written comments on the Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association’s (Coalition’s) proposed Comprehensive Surface Water Quality Management Plan (CSQMP), dated 24 April 2023. Development of a Surface Water Quality Management Plan is required under Waste Discharge Requirements General Order R5-2013-0120-09, where an applicable water quality objective or applicable water quality trigger limit is exceeded twice in a three-year period for the same constituent at a monitoring location and irrigated agriculture may cause or contribute to the exceedances. The CSQMP has been proposed to address exceedances that have triggered the need for management plans in several surface water bodies within the Coalition area.
Comments must be received by 5:00 pm on 11 September 2023 to be considered in the Executive Officer’s assessment of the proposed management plan. Written comments can be submitted to Bryan Rock at