Commission is also requesting the Corps hold public meetings in the Delta
The Delta Protection Commission has written the Army Corps of Engineers requesting an extension of the public comment period for the permit application for the California Water Fix project, more commonly known as the Delta tunnels. The comment period is currently scheduled to close on November 9.
The Commission is also requesting that the Army Corps conduct public meetings in the Delta prior to the close of the public comment period to receive questions and hear directly from Delta residents and stakeholders about the impacts of constructing the project.
The letter states:
“A project of this magnitude and a regulatory permit with this scope and complexity warrants field hearing in the region that would be most directly affected by the water quality, natural environment, and navigable waterway impacts of the project. This is especially true given the significant questions that have already been raised about the exact activities that would be permitted under Public Notice SPK-2008-00861 and the mandate under California statute that the State’s co-equal goals for the Delta (water supply reliability and ecosystem restoration) be “achieved in a manner that protects and enhances the unique cultural, recreational, natural resource, and agricultural values of the Delta as an evolving place.”
More information …
- Read the full text of the letter here: Delta Protection Commission letter to Army Corps
- Information on the permit application is here: Public Notice SPK-2008-00861
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