This just in … Feinstein, Boxer Preparing California Drought Legislation

From Senator Feinstein’s office:

Dianne_Feinstein,_official_Senate_photo_2Washington—Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer (both D-Calif) released the following statements today on legislation they are preparing related to California’s dangerous drought conditions:

Each day I monitor the California drought, and each day brings more concern,” Senator Feinstein said. “I intend to introduce legislation soon with Senator Boxer to offer relief for California and other drought-stricken states and to streamline federal projects and operations.”

Senator Feinstein continued: “We have worked with federal and state agencies, rural irrigation districts and urban water districts to draft legislation that will minimize controversy yet still maximize water supplies during this drought period. California is facing a 500-year drought, and the time to act is now.”

Senator Boxer said: “While House Republicans are pursuing divisive and discredited policies, we will be proposing solutions that will help bring relief to the communities hardest hit by this unprecedented drought.”

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