NOTICE: Sites Reservoir Project: Denial without prejudice of water quality certification

From the State Water Resources Control Board:

On September 16, 2024, the Chief Deputy Director for the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) notified the Sites Project Authority (Authority) that its March 1, 2024 request for Clean Water Act section 401 water quality certification (certification) for the Sites Reservoir Project is denied without prejudice, effective immediately.

As noted in the denial without prejudice, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued the Authority a letter on May 17, 2024 stating that its Clean Water Act section 404 application (USACE Permit ID No. SPK-2001-00055) had been administratively withdrawn. The State Water Board has found that the Authority’s application for certification suffers from a procedural inadequacy.

More information on the Project can be found on the Water Storage Investment Program webpage (

Sites Denial Without Prejudice

If you have questions, please contact Division of Water Rights staff by email to:

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