AVAILABLE FOR COMMENT: Workplan Addressing Uncertainty and Validating the Groundwater Protection Formula, Values, and Targets

From the Central Valley Regional Water Board:

Since 2018, third-party Coalitions within the Central Valley Region have been collaborating on the development of an assessment framework (Groundwater Protection Formula, Values, and Targets) to establish township-level nitrogen loading rates from irrigated agricultural operations that are estimated to achieve compliance with Receiving Water Limitations for groundwater within the time schedules specified in applicable ILRP Waste Discharge Requirements General Orders. The initial Groundwater Protection Targets were conditionally approved by the Executive Officer on 30 June 2023, and are due to be updated every 5 years.

On 1 April 2024, third-party Coalitions within the Central Valley Region jointly submitted a Workplan describing proposed activities to address uncertainties within the existing assessment framework and to conduct further validation of the results, with the intent of improving future iterations of the Groundwater Protection Targets.

A copy of the Workplan is being made available for 30-day public comment and can be found at the link below. Comments must be received by 5:00 pm on 3 May 2024 to be considered in staff’s assessment of the document. Please submit written comments to Eric Warren at Eric.Warren@waterboards.ca.gov or by mail to the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (Attn: Eric Warren), 1685 E Street, Fresno, CA 93706.
