REPORT: Annual Supply Report shows water suppliers well positioned for 2024

The 2023 Annual Water Supply and Demand Assessment Summary Report summarizes the Department of Water Resources’ review of Urban Water Suppliers’ Annual Water Shortage Assessment Reports for the State Water Resources Control Board.  The report includes water shortage information at the supplier level, as well as regional and statewide analyses of water supply conditions.

The Annual Shortage Reports provide a mechanism for suppliers to demonstrate to the State that they have adequately developed and are following their locally adopted Water Shortage Contingency Plans (WSCP).

To effectively address any near-term shortages, urban water suppliers are required to have appropriate shortage response actions in place, aligned with different shortage levels.  This proactive approach allows suppliers to effectively manage and balance supply and demand during anticipated shortages, preventing them from becoming a reality.  During times of drought emergency, the State Water Board defers to the locally adopted plans wherever possible.

In the second year of reporting, suppliers submitted their reports in a more timely manner.  Additionally, some suppliers who didn’t submit a report last year did so for the first time this year.  The reports from suppliers reflect improved water supply conditions statewide, with a greater number reporting adequate supplies and no potential shortages.  Even the few reports projecting shortages showed that suppliers had planned actions to resolve them.

Based on the completed Annual Shortage Reports, DWR has classified urban water suppliers into the following categories:

  • No projected shortage: 95% of suppliers have assessed that they will have ample supplies to meet projected demand, even in a dry year.
  • Fully addressed shortage: 5% of suppliers identified appropriate water shortage response actions to manage and mitigate potential shortages.
  • Not fully addressed shortage: None of the suppliers that submitted reports showed remaining projected shortages.
  • Unknown shortage status – unsubmitted reports: Less than 0.5% of suppliers have not submitted their reports.

Furthermore, urban water suppliers have reported planned actions based on the projected shortage levels.  The analysis shows that fixing customer water leaks, outdoor water use restrictions, and restrictions on commercial, industrial, and institutional (CII) water use are among the commonly chosen actions.

The Annual Shortage Reports provide valuable information about local water supply conditions to the State.  They also help urban water suppliers proactively prepare for potential water shortages in the coming year.

However, DWR recommends ongoing reassessments of water supply and demand be conducted throughout the year to effectively implement appropriate shortage response actions based on actual conditions.  Continuous efforts to revisit water supply and demand assessments will ensure water supply reliability for customers and enable proactive measures to be taken.

2023 Annual Water Supply and Demand Assessment Summary Report

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