SGMA IMPLEMENTATION: New Fact Sheet Available on Future Interconnected Surface Water Guidance

From the Department of Water Resources:

The Department of Water Resources has published the Guidance on Interconnected Surface Water fact sheet that provides a general overview of the timing and content of the technical aspects of interconnected surface water (ISW) and guidance for complying with Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) Regulations for the depletions of ISW as part of the implementation of SGMA. Fact sheet details and a link to the pdf can be found on the “Guidance Documents” tab of the Best Management Practices and Guidance Documents website.

Guidance Documents address topic areas relevant to SGMA, for which no established standards in the water management industry exist. These Guidance Documents can also provide clarification on issues which may not have been specifically identified in the GSP Regulations with the intent to promote water conservation, protect groundwater resources, and advance the sustainable management of groundwater.

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Interconnected Surface Waters Guidance Document

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