A drone view of Fresno Irrigation District's Lambrecht Basin in Fresno, California, which provides groundwater recharge and groundwater banking. Photo by Ken James / DWR

NOW AVAILABLE: New Groundwater Recharge Guidance Documents from DWR and Sustainable Conservation

The Department of Water Resources and Sustainable Conservation have released new guidance documents for groundwater recharge:

On-Farm Recharge Methods Manual

Click here to download this document.

The On-Farm Recharge Methods Manual gathers observations and lessons learned from over a decade of Sustainable Conservation working directly with growers and irrigation districts to implement on-farm recharge, including methods to enhance recharge, avoid crop health problems, manage recharge events, and minimize nutrient leaching.

This document summarizes in-field practices with 10 grower case studies to provide practical information about on-farm recharge from growers to growers. The case studies share grower motivation and experience and track recharge events, costs, and challenges.


District Recharge Program Guidance and Central Valley Groundwater Recharge Incentives and Strategies

Two guidance documents, District Recharge Program Guidance and Central Valley Groundwater Recharge Incentives and Strategies, are now available. These documents will help water districts, Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs), and their technical consultants design and implement effective multi-benefit recharge programs and projects. These documents include a summary of necessary considerations, publicly available tools, and examples to design new or refine existing recharge and incentive programs that address the specific needs and priorities in a subbasin.

Click here to download this document.
Click here to download this document.


For questions or more information, please email sgmps@water.ca.gov.