NOTICE: Delta ISB seeks public comments on draft prospectus: Decision-Making Under Deep Uncertainty

The Delta Independent Science Board is launching a review to build an understanding of the scientific tools and concepts that can increase the capacity to anticipate and adapt to growing uncertainty of future conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

The Delta ISB seeks comments on this draft prospectus for its review by 5:00 PM on June 26, 2023. They may be emailed to or mailed to the following address:

Delta Independent Science Board
715 P Street, 15-300
Sacramento, CA 95814

Comments may also be shared orally at the Board’s May 17 and June 14 meetings. If you use scenario planning or conduct any type of uncertainty analysis for decision support purposes in the Delta, please provide the information as part of your public comment.

RELATED EVENT:  To help inform this review, the Delta ISB, with support from the Delta Science Program, is hosting a seminar series to explore concepts from decision-making under deep uncertainty.  Read the flyer for more information and registration links.