NEPA DOCS: California Aqueduct San Luis Canal Geotechnical Investigations Project CGB-EA-2021-038

In coordination with Reclamation, the California Department of Water Resources is proposing to perform geotechnical investigations along the San Luis Canal embankments of Pools 17, 18, 20 and 21, within adjacent borrow sites, near abandoned utility pipelines and specified bridges.

The proposed geotechnical investigations would inform the design of the San Luis Canal Embankment and Liner Raise Project, which would address subsidence by restoring the capacity of Pools 17, 18, 20 and 21 from Milepost (MP) 122 to MP 143 and MP 155 to MP 172 of the San Luis Canal portion of the California Aqueduct in Fresno and Kings Counties.

Please provide your comments by 08/09/2021.  More documents here.

sccao_SLC_geotech_draft EA-ISMND_CGB-EA-2021-038.pdf
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