Local Government Commission and the Groundwater Exchange are excited to launch a three-part webinar series to share key learnings from the Groundwater Leadership Forum’s 2020 Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) review and provide detailed guidance about how GSPs can address specific areas of interest.
The second webinar discussion focused on drinking water needs and disadvantaged community engagement.
Our expert presenters include:
The second webinar discussion focused on drinking water needs and disadvantaged community engagement.
Our expert presenters include:
- Ngodoo Atume, Water Analyst, Clean Water Action: Ngodoo Atume is a Water Policy Analyst at Clean Water Action California. She is originally from Nigeria and has a technical background in Environmental Engineering. As a Policy Analyst, her work is focused on groundwater management and nitrate contamination control. She primarily works on the inclusion of underrepresented and vulnerable stakeholders in the implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, Central Valley Salinity Alternative Long-Term Sustainability and the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program. She holds a Masters in Sustainable Water Management from Tufts University.
- Angela Islas, Community Development Specialist, Self-Help Enterprises: Angela Islas is a Community Development Specialist with Self-Help Enterprises and works under the Community Engagement and Planning (CE&P) team. Her role under CE&P is to support community participation in regional water management and groundwater sustainability planning and seeks to build long-term water management capacity and expertise in rural communities. Angela currently leads the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) efforts at SHE, as well as works on a project under Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) in Madera County.
- Amanda Monaco, Policy Coordinator, Leadership Council for Justice Accountability: Amanda Monaco works as a Policy Coordinator – Water Programs and helps communities organize and fight for their rights to equitable access to drinking water and wastewater services and sustainable groundwater management. She is from Gainesville, Florida, and attended the University of Florida, where she got her B.A. in Political Science and also studied Latin American Studies, Sustainability Studies and Anthropology. She received her J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C., where she studied human rights, environmental, corporate and trade law. Before working with Leadership Counsel, she was an ally for communities fighting environmental injustices in Latin America with several nonprofits based in D.C. and Mexico City.
Groundwater Exchange Resource Pages
- Water Quality Degradation: https://groundwaterexchange.org/water-quality-degradation/
- Drinking water, domestic wells, and SGMA: https://groundwaterexchange.org/drinking-water-domestic-wells-and-sgma/
- Summary GSP analysis: https://groundwaterexchange.org/2020-groundwater-sustainability-plans/
- Groundwater Exchange main page: https://groundwaterexchange.org/
- Previous webinars from Maven’s Notebook and partners are here: https://mavensnotebook.com/category/webinars/
- Sign up for free SGMA implementation newsletter: https://groundwaterexchange.org/subscribe/
- Summary GSP analysis: https://groundwaterexchange.org/2020-groundwater-sustainability-plans/
- Human Right 2 Water Scorecard: https://leadershipcounsel.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/HR2W-Letter-Scorecard.pdf
- Find out more about drinking water impacts in GSPs here: https://waterfdn.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Groundwater-Management-and-Safe-Drinking-Water-in-the-San-Joaquin-Valley-Brief-6-2020.pdf
- Mitigating Domestic Well Failure for SGMA and Drought in the San Joaquin Valley, report by Rob Gailey and Jay Lund highlights the estimated cost of not protecting domestic wells in the San Joaquin Valley: https://californiawaterblog.com/2021/06/20/mitigating-domestic-well-failure-for-sgma-and-drought-in-the-san-joaquin-valley/
- Protecting safe drinking water for Tribal communities (PPIC): https://www.ppic.org/blog/ensuring-safe-drinking-water-for-californias-native-american-communities/
- Advancing strategic land repurposing and groundwater sustainability in California (EDF): https://www.edf.org/ecosystems/advancing-strategic-land-repurposing-and-groundwater-sustainability-california
Guidance documents
- Tribal engagement guidance document: https://groundwaterexchange.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Guidance_Document_Tribal_Governments.pdf
- Collaborating for success: Stakeholder Engagement for Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Implementation: https://www.cleanwateraction.org/publications/collaborating-success-stakeholder-engagement-sustainable-groundwater-management-act
- Drinking Water Well Mitigation Framework: https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/communitywatercenter/pages/3928/attachments/original/1590776730/Well_Mitigation_Print.pdf?1590776730
- Stanford water in the west guide to water quality requirements for SGMA: https://stacks.stanford.edu/file/druid:dw122nb4780/A%20Guide%20to%20Water%20Quality%20Requirements%20under%20SGMA.pdf
Tools and data
- Disadvantaged Communities Mapping Tool: https://gis.water.ca.gov/app/dacs/
- DWR’s SGMA Data Viewer: https://sgma.water.ca.gov/webgis/?appid=SGMADataViewer
- GSPDryWells tool: https://www.gspdrywells.com/
- Mydrywatersupply tool: https://mydrywatersupply.water.ca.gov/report/publicpage
- GAMA water quality tool: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/gama/online_tools.html
Groundwater quality / Arsenic
- Scientific Factsheet on Arsenic, Uranium, and Chromium: https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/communitywatercenter/pages/293/attachments/original/1592006984/CWC_FS_GrndwtrQual_06.05.20a.pdf?1592006984
- Stanford researchers find groundwater pumping can increase arsenic levels in irrigation and drinking water: https://news.stanford.edu/press/view/21207
- Overpumping leads to California groundwater arsenic threat: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-04475-3
Other useful resources
- Intro to SGMA in English: https://groundwaterexchange.org/introduction-to-sgma/
- In Spanish: https://groundwaterexchange.org/introduccion-a-sgma/
- Multi-lingual resources on SGMA on the CaliWaterAg channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCym_U7oaloj9dW9EM7s5NQw
- Local Government Commission Summit: Ensuring Equitable Involvement in Regional Water Planning http://lgc.org/summit
- Sustainable Conservation’s groundwater recharge tool: http://www.groundwaterrecharge.org/
- Webinar recording on coordinating groundwater quality across CV-Salts, Irrigated Lands, and SGMA: https://mavensnotebook.com/2021/02/12/webinar-regulating-groundwater-quality-across-sgma-cv-salts-and-ilrp/
- Factsheet on COVID-19 impacts on water accessibility: https://www.lgc.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Water-Shutoff-factsheet-6.7.21.pdf
- Pandemic Recovery Factsheet: https://www.lgc.org/pandemic_recovery/
Register for our next webinar on climate change and multi-benefit projects
- Webinar #3 – July 12, 12 PM: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_F12jrdixSryBJKMG1NKMZg
For more on Maven’s Notebook:
- To visit Maven’s Notebook, your comprehensive water news website, go here: https://www.MavensNotebook.com
- Subscribe for free daily and/or weekly California water news emails here: https://mavensnotebook.com/subscribe-to-mavens-notebook/
And lastly …
- To be notified of future webinars, register here: https://mavensnotebook.us7.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=88af2b23c65f1c863838dd9a5&id=5709941829