From the Office of the Delta Watermaster:
Reports of Licensees Complete
The Office of the Delta Watermaster is pleased to report outstanding compliance in annual reporting for water use during calendar year 2020 by licensees in the Delta. Reports of Licensees were due on April 1, 2021. The three Delta Water Agencies were instrumental in helping us reach out to roughly 10% of licensees who missed that filing deadline. By May 19, all licensees in the Delta had filed. We appreciate the Delta licensees’ diligence in complying with the annual reporting requirement. Our Office is currently conducting QA/QC and seeking corrections or clarifications, as necessary.
Supplemental Statements Due July 1
The annual water use reports (Supplemental Statements) for calendar year 2020 for water diverted under riparian or pre-1914 claims are due on or before July 1, 2021. To complete your Supplemental Statement, access the online Report Management System (RMS). To file your report, gather your diversion records then login to the RMS using the unique User ID and Password associated with each of your Statement numbers.
If you have already filed your Supplemental Statement(s) for water use during calendar year 2020, please accept our sincere thanks for your compliance with the filing requirement.
Timely Filing
Please note that failure to file the annual report by the July 1 due date is a violation of 23 California Code of Regulations §920. The Water Code authorizes administrative civil liability (monetary fine) of up to $500/day for each day of delinquency. (WC §1846.)
By filing accurate reports of diversion and use on or before the applicable deadline, you help the State Water Board maintain a useful record of the Delta’s actual water use. In a wet year, like 2019, or in a critically a dry year like 2021, careful reporting of actual use can assist our Office in administration of the water rights system protecting senior water rights.
If you have questions or need assistance in accessing the RMS or completing your annual report, please contact your water attorney, your local Delta Water Agency or Kristi Matal, Communications and Outreach Specialist in our Office, by email at: or by phone at: (916) 319-8264. Thank you.