KERN COUNTY WATER SUMMIT: SGMA Implementation Update Maven Notebook News and Features June 8, 2021 382At the Kern County Water Summit held last week, hosted by the Water Association of Kern County, Acting Deputy Director...
KERN COUNTY WATER SUMMIT: Two perspectives on the State Water Board report, Recommendations for an Effective Water Rights Response to Climate Change Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features June 2, 2021 378State Water Board’s Erik Ekdahl discusses the climate change report; Attorney Valerie Kincaid explains why existing water right holders are...
KERN COUNTY WATER SUMMIT: The magic water wand Maven Notebook News and Features April 1, 2020 655If you had a magic wand that could give you unlimited funding, could change any law, write any new law,...
KERN COUNTY WATER SUMMIT: Infrastructure: What’s on Tap for California Maven Notebook News and Features March 18, 2020 245Armando Quintero, chair of the California Water Commission, gives an update on the Water Storage Investment Program, the Sustainable Groundwater...
TIM QUINN: The Challenge of Our Time: Healthy Economies and Sustainable Groundwater Maven Notebook News and Features April 12, 2018 421Speech at Kern County Water Summit emphasizes groundwater replenishment and partnerships as the keys to successful SGMA implementation Since the...