Aerial view of Union Point Marina and CA-4 Middle River Bridge crossing over Middle River in San Joaquin County, California. This bridge is one of several attractive historic swing bridges on CA-4. Photo taken March 24, 2008. Paul Hames / California Department of Water Resources

ANNOUNCEMENT: Protest Deadline Extended for the Department of Water Resources’ Water Rights Change Petition for the Delta Conveyance Project to May 13, 2024

From the State Water Resources Control Board:

Please be advised that the deadline for submitting protests against the subject petition has been extended until May 13, 2024. The State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights issued the initial Notice of Petition Requesting Changes in Water Rights of the Department of Water Resources for the Delta Conveyance Project on February 29, 2024.

On March 26, 2024, the Board received a joint request to vacate or extend the April 29, 2024 deadline to file protests against the change petition. The request was followed by support and/or similar requests for extension of the deadline from other interested parties. In response to these requests, the Board determined that good cause exists to extend the protest deadline by 14 days.

The Revised Notice of Petition for Change is below:


The Board’s response to the requestors and other materials related to the proceeding are available on the project webpage at:

Questions concerning this notice and non-controversial procedural questions regarding the Board’s proceeding related to this petition may be directed to the Board’s project team at Please see the notice for additional information regarding the prohibition against ex parte (off-the-record) communications.

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