Shasta Dam, constructed in 1945, blocked winter-run chinook salmon from their historical spawning habitat in the headwaters of the Sacramento, McCloud, and Pit rivers. This photo was taken in March of 2019, a wet year. Photo by USBR.

SHASTA STORY MAP: Publication examines methodology for updated Long-Term Operation of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project

From the Bureau of Reclamation:

The Bureau of Reclamation today released “Applied Science and Analysis of Alternatives,” the second chapter of its Shasta StoryMap that describes the technology, analysis and conditions that are the basis of the proposed Long-Term Operation Plan for the Central Valley Project and State Water Project.

Produced in the dynamic and vivid ArcGIS StoryMap format, the publication is a fast, easily digestible description of the challenges facing Shasta Reservoir (highlighted in chapter one). Chapter two focuses on the modeling outlooks that were used to help formulate the alternatives.

Link to Shasta StoryMap Chapter 2:

Background: Reclamation operates the CVP and the California Department of Water Resources operates the SWP, under the 1986 Coordinated Operation Agreement, as amended in 2018, between the federal government and the State of California, as authorized by Public Law 99–546. A February 18, 2020, Record of Decision implements the Proposed Action consulted upon for 2019 Biological Opinions from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and NOAA Fisheries.

On Sept. 30, 2021, Reclamation requested to reinitiate consultation on the Long-Term Operation of the CVP and SWP under section 7 of the Endangered Species Act due to anticipated modifications to the previous Proposed Action that may cause effects to ESA-listed species or designated critical habitat not analyzed in the current 2019 Biological Opinions. The purpose of the proposed action is to continue the operation of the CVP and the SWP, for authorized purposes, in a manner that:

  • Meets requirements under federal Reclamation law; other federal laws and regulations; federal permits and licenses; and state of California water rights, permits, and licenses pursuant to section 8 of the Reclamation Act.
  • Satisfies Reclamation contractual obligations and agreements; and
  • Implements authorized CVP fish and wildlife project purposes. Operation of the CVP and SWP is needed to provide flood control and navigation; water supply; fish and wildlife mitigation, protection, and restoration and enhancement; and power generation. Operation of the CVP and SWP also provides recreation and water quality benefits.

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