NOW AVAILABLE: Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Annual Report

From the State Water Resources Control Board:

The Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition (SMC) is a partnership of 16 stormwater management agencies working to develop solutions to regional challenges in stormwater management. Since its founding in 2001, the SMC has been pooling its members’ resources and expertise to collaboratively conceptualize, develop and fund stormwater research and monitoring initiatives across coastal southern California. This collaborative approach to stormwater management has influenced the development of NPDES permits, 303(d) listings and TMDLs, watershed plans, and stormwater monitoring designs.

The SMC recently published its 2022-2023 Annual Report which describes their mission, highlights recent and ongoing projects, and includes a reflection on two decades of solutions-focused BMP research to protect waterway health.


Click here to view all SMC reports.