COURTHOUSE NEWS: California water manager ripped over poor climate change planning Courthouse News Service News May 25, 2023 99The state auditor pointed to the California Department of Water Resources’ outdated forecasts that may not account for extremes brought...
DWR NEWS: State Water Project Operations Continues to Adapt to Climate Change Department of Water Resources (DWR) News May 25, 2023 17By DWR News As California experiences more extreme swings between wet and dry periods, DWR continues to deploy innovative forecasting...
DAILY DIGEST, 5/25: EPA authority to regulate wetlands clobbered by Supreme Court; CA legislature could make overdue changes to water rights if these three bills pass; Delta Tunnel plan touted by Newsom gets push-back from Congress member; California snowlines on track to be 1,600 feet higher by century’s end; and more … Maven Daily Digest May 25, 2023 839[cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … MEETING: Delta Stewardship Council meets beginning at 9:00am. Agenda items include the Delta Lead...
SCIENCE SPOTLIGHT: New study looks at stressors that impact presence or absence of Delta smelt Maven Delta scienceScience May 25, 2023 183At the April meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Lead Scientist Dr. Laurel Larsen spotlighted a study funded by...
VOICE OF SAN DIEGO: The Boundary Referees Deciding San Diego’s Water District Divorce Voice of San Diego News May 25, 2023 1A pair of small water districts want to leave the San Diego County Water Authority. A little-known government body gets...
US FWS: Tribes on the Klamath River struggle to save their salmon and way of life in the face of a changing climate US Fish and Wildlife Service Agency News May 24, 2023 24By Susan Sawyer, US Fish and Wildlife Service Stretching from the volcanic Cascades of Southern Oregon to the Pacific Ocean...
STATELINE: Colorado River agreement punts on drastic cuts and difficult negotiations Stateline News May 24, 2023 39The proposal from Arizona, California and Nevada is not a long-term fix, water experts argue. by Matt Vasilogambros, Stateline State...
DAILY DIGEST, 5/24: California urged to end water grab on Scott River; Mule Creek State Prison agrees to clean up polluted discharges; How hot is California going to get this summer?; How California averted painful water cuts and made a Colorado River deal; and more … Maven Daily Digest May 24, 2023 753[cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … MEETING: Delta Conservancy Board from 9am to 1pm. Agenda items include an Ecosystem Restoration...
COURTHOUSE NEWS: California urged to end water grab on Scott River Courthouse News Service News May 23, 2023 31While a previous petition spurred the State Water Resources Control Board to adopt drought-related emergency regulations that set a minimum...
WEBINAR: Machine Learning for Rivers: How Data Science Can Inform Water Management in California Maven Webinars May 23, 2023 65From the California Water Data Consortium: Water management in California is plagued by missing data. Typical questions include: How much...
DAILY DIGEST, 5/23: What the Colorado River deal means for California; Pacheco Dam project dealt another setback; Big melt may be less dramatic – and damaging – than initially thought; Dan Walters: California taxpayers on the hook to save two unhealthy western rivers; and more … Maven Daily Digest May 23, 2023 979[cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … PUBLIC MEETING: South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project Stakeholder Forum & Public Meeting from...
NOTEBOOK FEATURE: Voluntary Agreements Could Make the Delta a Better Place for Fish—Provided They’re Done Properly Robin Meadows Delta scienceNotebook News and Features May 23, 2023 611By Robin Meadows The State Water Resources Control Board, which both allocates surface water rights and protects water quality for...
CAL MATTERS: Colorado River deal: What does it mean for California? Cal Matters News May 22, 2023 19By Alistair Bland, CalMatters Network Stay up-to-date with free briefings on topics that matter to all Californians. Subscribe to CalMatters...
DWR NEWS: DWR Uses Kern River Intertie to Redirect Flood Water from Tulare Lake Department of Water Resources (DWR) News May 22, 2023 14By DWR News The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is using a unique piece of State Water Project (SWP)...
DAILY DIGEST, 5/22: A breakthrough deal to keep the Colorado River from going dry, for now; Whiplash again! – Learning from wet (and dry) years; How solar farms took over the California desert; EPA funds research to assess perchlorate after fireworks; and more … Maven Daily Digest May 22, 2023 802[cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … WEBINAR: California-Nevada Drought & Climate Outlook Webinar from 11am to 12pm. This webinar is...