PNNL: In the face of drought, hydropower still delivers electricity Pacific Northwest National Laboratory News September 21, 2022Drought-strained hydropower sustains 80 percent average power generation capacity By Elsie Puig-Santana In 2022, a quick internet search for Lake...
DAILY DIGEST, 9/21: Garamendi leads letter to Army Corps objecting to Delta tunnel project; Eyes on the snow as water supplies dwindle; Removing one dam after another: Water in the west; Dead fish in Klamath River raises concerns; and more … Maven Daily Digest September 21, 2022 777— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … MEETING: California Water Commission meets beginning at 9:30am. Agenda items include consideration of...
FIVE QUESTIONS: Melinda Booth, South Yuba River Citizens League Maven Notebook News and Features September 21, 2022 180The mission of the South Yuba River Citizens League (SYRCL – pronounced circle) is to unites the community to protect...