PRESS RELEASE: Delta Counties Urge Metropolitan Water District Board to Save Historic Delta Waterways by Rejecting Funding for Misguided Tunnel Conveyance Project

From the Delta Counties Coalition:

The Delta Counties Coalition (DCC) warned members of the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Board that if they vote to approve further funding for the controversial Delta Conveyance Tunnel Project to divert water from north-to-south from the already over-drafted Delta Waterway, they will face costly consequences for yet another failed project.

“In the midst of a pandemic where the health of our communities is at stake, this is no time to consider jeopardizing rate payer dollars to further fund a misguided conveyance scheme that will not add a single drop of water to our thirsty state,” said Karen Mitchoff, Contra Costa County Supervisor.

The Delta Tunnel, for which the Department of Water Resources (DWR) is at least four years away from completing planning and permitting, will be no better than the three previous failed attempts (Peripheral Canal, Bay Delta Conservation Plan, California WaterFix) that proponents falsely claimed would provide a more reliable water supply to Southern California. The DCC, in addition to environmental groups, maintains this over-optimistic assertion is not supported by science.

“Our counties cannot accept a project that deprives us of the protections that were originally promised when the State Water Project was authorized because our region also depends on reliable water supplies and a healthy environment,” added Patrick Kennedy, Sacramento County Supervisor.

The DCC continues to remind others that DWR acknowledged in a water rights change petition they filed in 2015 that approximately 3,000 water rights in the Delta, including the region’s municipal and industrial water supplies, would be potentially “injured” by the California WaterFix. Rather than this grave injury, the DCC maintains that there are viable alternatives to the Delta Tunnel and most water interest groups in California are willing to pursue them as water infrastructure projects that would genuinely reduce reliance on the Delta.

“It stands to reason that for a fraction of the cost of building a massive multi-billion-dollar single tunnel, Delta levees could instead be maintained and properly improved to protect communities and the State Water Project against floods, earthquakes and sea level rise. The money could easily be put to a myriad of better uses with more proven outcomes,” argued Chuck Winn, San Joaquin County Supervisor.

The DCC states that not only will smarter investments in existing facilities reduce impacts on fish and protect against sea level rise, but more conservation and recycling programs could be established to reduce demand for Delta water exports while maintaining and enhancing statewide water supplies.

“The DCC is always willing to partner with the MWD in pursing shared solutions that would both enhance the Delta and improve water supplies for the district,” concluded Oscar Villegas, Yolo County Supervisor.

For all the above reasons, the Delta Counties urge the Board to save the Delta by voting “NO” to authorize additional funding for the Delta Conveyance Project at this time.

2020-12-08 DCC Release_MWD Tunnel Funding Final

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