SF ESTUARY & WATERSHED SCIENCE: Open Data Framework, Drought and the Delta 2012-16, Comparing and integrating fish surveys, and more …

In this edition of the San Francisco Estuary & Watershed Science Journal:


An Open Data Framework for the San Francisco Estuary
Melinda R. Baerwald, Brittany E. Davis, Sarah Lesmeister, Brian Mahardja, Rachel Pisor, Jenna Rinde, Brian Schreier, Vanessa Tobias


Drought and the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, 2012–2016:
Environmental Review and Lessons

John R. Durand, Fabian Bombardelli, William Fleenor, Yumiko Henneberry, Jon Herman, Carson Jeffres, Michelle Leinfelder–Miles, Jay Lund, Robert Lusardi, Amber D. Manfree,
Josué Medellín–Azuara, Brett Milligan, Peter B. Moyle


Introduction of Bluefin Killifish Lucania goodei into the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta
Brian Mahardja, Andrew Goodman, Alisha Goodbla, Andrea D. Schreier, Catherine Johnston, Rebecca C. Fuller, Dave Contreras, Louanne McMartin

Comparing and Integrating Fish Surveys in the San Francisco Estuary:
Why Diverse Long-Term Monitoring Programs are Important

Dylan K. Stompe, Peter B. Moyle, Avery Kruger, John R. Durand

Spawn Timing of Winter-Run Chinook Salmon in the Upper Sacramento River
Eva Dusek Jennings, A. Noble Hendrix

About the Journal: San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science is an open access journal providing peer-reviewed research about the complex environmental and water management issues of the Bay‒Delta, linking new science to policy with great effect

New SFEWS Style Guide for Authors: Troubled by those awkward-looking initial caps for common species names? Forget how to cite an unpublished report?  It’s all in our Style Guide for Authors, revised and updated for June 2020

SFEWS Adds ORCID iDs to ScholarOne Submission: SFEWS has now integrated ORCID iDs into its ScholarOne submission platform. What’s an ORCID iD? Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) identifiers (iDs) ensure that as a researcher, contributor, or data wrangler, you get full credit for your work. One of the best ways to get credit is to use an ORCID iD. Learn more and get yours here: https://orcid.org/.

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