Delta smelt symposium, part 4: Panel discussion: What is the path forward among considerable uncertainty? Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 8, 2016 519Panel of experts share their visions and options for the future of the Delta and longfin smelt Coverage of the...
Delta smelt symposium, part 3: The path forward: Climate change, recovery planning, and restoration Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 7, 2016 495Presenters discuss climate change, extinction, artificial propagation and stocking, and tidal marsh restoration Coverage of the Delta and longfin smelt...
Delta smelt symposium, part 2: Causal links to population declines and data gaps Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 6, 2016 416Could it be water exports, predation, food web, contaminants, drought … ? Coverage of the Delta and longfin smelt symposium,...
Symposium coverage, part 1: Delta and longfin smelt: Is extinction inevitable? Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 5, 2016 921Part 1 of coverage of symposium covers what we know and don’t know about the Delta and longfin smelt Is...