NOTICE of changes to proposed ‘Making Conservation a California Way of Life’ Regulation

From the State Water Resources Control Board:

Today, the State Water Resources Control Board formally begins a fifth public comment period for the proposed Making Conservation a California Way of Life regulation. The fifth public comment period is open from July 15, 2024, until
July 30, 2024.

The Making Conservation a California Way of Life regulation was adopted by the State Water Board at its regularly scheduled July 3, 2024, Board Meeting but has not yet been finalized. The Board has updated the proposed text of the regulation to correct a scrivener’s error. The proposed changes were evaluated during Board adoption, with the Board supporting these changes being made under authority delegated to the Board’s Executive Director. The changes are to section 969, subdivisions (d)(2)(B) and (d)(2)(C), which previously mistakenly referred to “residential landscapes” instead of “CII landscapes with DIMs.” The changes fix this.

The following documents are available on the rulemaking webpage:

  • Notice of Additional Changes to Proposed Regulation (7/15/2024)
  • Updated Proposed Text_v5 (7/15/2024)

Written comments on the proposed changes may be submitted in accordance with the instructions in the attached Notice.

For more information about the proposed regulation, please check out this factsheet and visit the Conservation as a California Way of Life webpage: Making Conservation a California Way of Life Fact Sheet’


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