NOTICE: CDFA’s Regulatory Alignment Study looks to streamline streamline ag-related food safety and water quality reporting requirements

The goals of the study are to empower the agricultural community through streamlined regulatory requirements, support the state’s data and information collection efforts, and strengthen protections to human health and the environment

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), in collaboration with the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) and State Water Resources Control Board, are working to evaluate and identify opportunities to streamline administrative processes and optimize information collected by the state related to agricultural food safety and water quality regulatory programs.

Regulatory alignment refers to streamlining regulatory programs and requirements within the areas of food safety and water quality. The primary goals of regulatory alignment are to empower the agricultural community through streamlined regulatory requirements, support the state’s data and information collection efforts, and strengthen protections to human health and the environment.  Crowe LLP and their partner, Blankinship & Associates, are conducting the study, which is projected to be completed by 2025.

A concept paper has been released that details nearly 50 proposals across four programs:  the Produce Safety Program, the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program, the Confined Animal Facilities Program, and the State Winery Order.  The proposals include specific opportunities, options, and rationale on how each proposal supports regulatory alignment.  Many of these proposals enhance or advance the work that CDFA and Water Boards have already started.  However, these proposals do not reflect final recommendations, but rather provide a starting point to obtain additional feedback.

The concept paper and supporting documents are available at the links below:

You are invited to review the concept paper and provide feedback through a series of webinars and workshops.  The goal of the workshops is to gather feedback and comments that will help further define opportunities to streamline regulatory alignment for state policies and programs.


Two informational webinars will be held to provide an overview of the concept paper.  The webinars will provide an overview of the Regulatory Alignment Study and objectives, provide an overview of the Concept Paper and explain how it is organized, and describe the Summer 2024 workshop format and schedule.


A series of public workshops will be conducted to gather input and feedback on the proposals detailed in the Concept Paper. Comments received on the Concept Paper will inform the further development of the proposals to streamline four regulatory programs in the areas of food safety and water quality: CDFA’s Produce Safety Program, and the Water Boards’ Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program, Confined Animal Facilities Program, and State Winery Order.

The workshops are organized around each of the four regulatory programs, to provide more programmatic details and to provide a platform for attendees to offer comprehensive and constructive feedback. Each workshop session will include a presentation and opportunities for public feedback and discussion.

Produce Safety Program (PSP) Workshop Sessions

Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP) Workshop Sessions

Confined Animal Facilities (CAF) Program Workshop Sessions

State Winery Order (SWO) Workshop Sessions

For more information, visit CDFA’s Regulatory Alignment Study webpage.

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