NEW RESOURCES: Water Right and Reporting Requirement Fact Sheets Available from the Water Board

From the State Water Resources Control Board:

New fact sheets describing general information about California water rights and reporting requirements are now available on the State Water Resources Control Board’s website at, in the Outreach and Engagement section.  They are also embedded below.

Fact sheets were sent to landowners and water right holders adjacent to the Merced River to improve understanding of water rights and reporting requirements after dry hydrologic conditions from 2020-2022 severely limited surface water supplies for diversions and instream flows.

Fact sheets also provide a reminder to all water right holders to file water rights annual diversion data from water year 2023 (October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2023) or prior years. There are still approximately 13,000 filers that have not yet reported diversions for water year 2023, which were due on February 1, 2024. The fact sheets provide information on who needs to file and how to fulfill the reporting requirements. If you have not reported for water year 2023, or prior years, please file immediately. The State Water Board relies on reporting data to reasonably protect and manage water supplies for multiple uses including municipal, agricultural, and environmental needs.

Water Rights Fact Sheets

Water rights 101 fact sheet


Water rights reporting requirements fact sheet


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