Deer Creek, in the Lassen Foothills Conservation Area. Photo by DFW

NOTICE: Department of Fish and Wildlife Submits Flow Recommendations for Mill, Deer, and Antelope Creeks

From the State Water Resources Control Board:

The State Water Resources Control Board received a letter from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) submitting instream flow recommendations to inform a long-term flow-setting process to support anadromous salmonids and year-round ecological stream function on Mill, Deer, and Antelope Creeks. Mill, Deer, and Antelope Creeks are tributaries to the Sacramento River and provide aquatic habitat for several native fish species including Chinook salmon (spring-run, fall-run, and late fall-run), Steelhead, and Pacific Lamprey.

Additional information will be forthcoming on the next steps in considering the recommendations. Additional information related to this matter can be found on the Mill, Deer, and Antelope Creeks – Flow Recommendations webpage.

Mill Deer Antelope Creeks (Tehama Co.) Best Available Scientific Information for Instream Flows Recommendations to Inform a Long-Term Flow-Setting Process

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