This just in … DWR Releases Proposed Rules for Modifying Groundwater Basin Boundaries

Public input helps refine Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Basin Boundary Emergency Regulations

From the Department of Water Resources:

NEW_DWR_LOGO_14inch“The Department of Water Resources (DWR) today released the Proposed Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) Basin Boundary Emergency Regulations in a step toward meeting the first major SGMA deadline for DWR and providing the rules that establish an important process for local agencies to continue their implementation of this historic groundwater law.

By January 1, 2016, DWR is required to adopt emergency regulations that specify the information required to comply with Water Code 10722.2, which outlines the process that local agencies need to follow when requesting modifications to existing boundaries of groundwater basins and subbasins or the creation of new subbasins. The emergency regulations also identify the methodology and criteria that will be applied by DWR when reviewing and approving the boundary modification requests. SGMA used the existing groundwater basin and subbasin boundaries in California based on Bulletin 118, a comprehensive report on California groundwater resources that is periodically updated by DWR.

From the beginning, public input has been integral to the creation of the emergency regulations. In developing the draft emergency regulations, DWR held more than 40 focus group meetings, three public listening sessions and sought extensive input from stakeholder advisory groups representing over 500 public agencies and organizations. On July 17, 2015, DWR released an initial public draft of the emergency regulations, inviting public review and comment through September 4, 2015, and holding three additional public meetings around the state.

DWR reviewed and made revisions to the July 17 draft based on the public comments submitted by 38 local agencies, organizations, and individuals, the majority of which were from local agencies that, if they request a boundary modification, will be affected by the emergency regulations. DWR also has considered feedback from the California Water Commission throughout the emergency regulation development.

DWR will present the emergency regulations to the California Water Commission on October 21, 2015 and, if approved, the regulations will be sent to the Office of Administrative Law for processing in order to take effect.

For more information on the emergency regulations or California’s existing groundwater basins and subbasins please visit:

This is the fourth year of California’s drought. To learn about the actions the state has taken to manage our water systems and cope with the drought’s impacts, visit Drought.CA.Gov. Every Californian should take steps to conserve water. Find out how at



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