PRESS RELEASE: Yurok Tribal members prep Klamath River reach for post dam removal flows Press Release/Notice Press Release/Other September 19, 2023 79Tribal Citizens Adversely Impacted by Dams Participate in Historic Decommissioning Project The Yurok Tribe and the Klamath River Renewal Corporation...
US FWS: Tribes on the Klamath River struggle to save their salmon and way of life in the face of a changing climate US Fish and Wildlife Service Agency News May 24, 2023 17By Susan Sawyer, US Fish and Wildlife Service Stretching from the volcanic Cascades of Southern Oregon to the Pacific Ocean...
YOSEMITE ENVIRO LAW CONFERENCE: How tribal partnerships can help attain national conservation goals Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features November 23, 2021 244“We really have to get creative and equally value all of the interests of the stakeholders, use cooperative agreements and...