WESTERN GROUNDWATER CONGRESS: SGMA and the Human Right to Water Maven Notebook News and Features December 17, 2020 212Natalie Cochran is a water resources planner at Woodard Curran who has spent the last two and a half years...
WESTERN GROUNDWATER CONGRESS: Rock, Paper, Physics: SGMA and Water Transfers Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features December 15, 2020 322At the 3rd Annual Western Groundwater Congress, Anona Dutton with EKI Environment and Water gave a presentation on water transfers...
WESTERN GROUNDWATER CONGRESS: SGMA Isn’t Working – When It’s Time to Adjudicate. Wait, When is it Time? Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features December 9, 2020 545Nick Jacobs is a shareholder with Somach Simmons & Dunn. who has been practicing law for about 20 years and...
WESTERN GROUNDWATER CONGRESS: Dispute Resolution Processes and Multi-Agency Groundwater Management Maven Notebook News and Features October 25, 2020 65At the Western Groundwater Congress held in September of 2020, Dr. William Blomquist gave the following presentation on a study...
WESTERN GROUNDWATER CONGRESS: California Water Transfer Price Forecast Maven Notebook News and Features October 22, 2020 815At the Western Groundwater Congress hosted online by the Groundwater Resources Association, Audrey Arnao, an associate with WestWater Research, gave...
WESTERN GROUNDWATER CONGRESS: Developing groundwater allocations: Findings and recommendations Maven Notebook News and Features October 13, 2020 385As groundwater sustainability agencies prepare their plans to meet the requirements of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), they will...
TESS DUNHAM: California’s Three-Legged Stool for Improving Groundwater Quality: Porter Cologne, SGMA and the Recycled Water Policy – How Do They Work Together? Maven Notebook News and Features October 6, 2020 396Every year, the Groundwater Resources Association of California selects two speakers for the David Keith Todd Lectureship, which named after...
WESTERN GROUNDWATER CONGRESS: Water resources management in the Pajaro Valley Basin Maven Notebook News and Features April 23, 2020 464The Pajaro Valley is home to a billion-dollar agricultural industry, it’s rich, fertile soil providing fruits and vegetables for the...
WESTERN GROUNDWATER CONGRESS: Utilizing excess winter stormwater flows for groundwater recharge Maven Notebook News and Features April 16, 2020 390Kristin Sicke is the Assistant General Manager for Yolo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, which manages water supplies...
ERIC AVERETT: Water allocation strategies in the context of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Maven Notebook News and Features April 9, 2020 708Eric Averett is General Manager with the Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District, which is one of several water districts within...
WESTERN GROUNDWATER CONGRESS: Quantifying surface water depletion from groundwater pumping Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features April 2, 2020 446Understanding and conveying groundwater’s role in a changing world Surface water commonly is hydraulically connected to ground water, but the...
WESTERN GROUNDWATER CONGRESS: Depletion of interconnected surface waters: Not that simple Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features March 26, 2020 624Sierra Ryan is a water resources planner with the County of Santa Cruz. In this presentation from the Groundwater Resources...
DR. MICHAEL KIPARSKY: Can Recharge Net Metering contribute to sustainable groundwater management? Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features December 11, 2019 477Dr. Michael Kiparsky is the founding director of the Wheeler Water Institute within the Center for Law, Energy, and Environment...
GROUNDWATER MARKETS: A case study of the Fox Canyon Groundwater Market Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features November 20, 2019 1595The Nature Conservancy’s Sarah Heard goes through the mechanics of the market, the first to be formed since the passage...
FEATURE: Integrated Hydrologic Model Development and Evaluation for Non-Modelers Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features October 23, 2019 1535Dr. Douglas Tolley gives an explanatory presentation on integrated hydrologic modeling, including how models are coupled and key terms such...