California Water 2.0: Department officials chart their progress on the California Water Action Plan Maven Notebook News and Features January 27, 2016 440Felicia Marcus, Mark Cowin, Gordon Burns, and Chuck Bonham discuss their department’s roles and progress on implementation of the California...
The 2016 Drought Contingency Plan for CVP & SWP operations State Water Board Agency News January 15, 2016 631From the State Water Resources Control Board: The State Water Resources Control Board has posted the February through October 2016...
Landscape-scale planning for ecological resilience in the Bay and Delta Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 30, 2015 363Senior Scientist Robin Grossinger discusses the latest research working to develop tools and to understand how to build landscapes resilient...
The promise and pitfalls of regional planning for special status species Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features January 28, 2015 880Panel discusses the pros and cons of Habitat Conservation Plans and Natural Community Conservation Plans In recent years in an...
In her own words: Pat Mulroy: “Water management in the Wild West: Lessons Learned” Maven Notebook News and Features May 26, 2014 674Here is Pat Mulroy, former General Manager of the Southern Nevada Water Authority, in her own words, speaking at the...
State of the Estuary Panel Discussion: One estuary, many plans: How will they fit together? Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features November 7, 2013 213The 11th Biennial State of the Estuary conference held in October, 2013, brought together the leaders from the state’s resource...
This just in … Final Delta Plan is now posted Delta Stewardship Council Agency News August 28, 2013 123The Delta Stewardship Council has posted the Final Delta Plan at the Council website – you can access the document...
Delta Stewardship Council’s drought update: How the state and local agencies are responding to dry conditions Maven Notebook News and Features August 5, 2013 936At the July 25th meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, the Council heard an update from the Department of Water...
Delta Stewardship Council adopts final Delta Plan, 7-0 Maven Press Release/Other May 16, 2013 60From the Delta Stewardship Council: “After eight drafts, almost 100 public meetings, and nearly 10,000 individual comments, the Delta Stewardship...
Delta Stewardship Council’s comprehensive Delta Plan rounds the bend towards the finish line Maven Notebook News and Features September 16, 2012 8A comprehensive policy blueprint for the beleaguered Delta inched ever nearer towards completion as the Delta Stewardship Council reviewed minor...