Introducing the Landscape Scenario Planning Tool Version 2.0 Press Release/Notice Delta science May 6, 2022 30From the San Francisco Estuary Institute: In partnership with the Delta Stewardship Council, the San Francisco Estuary Institute has developed...
URBAN WATER INSTITUTE: Are we ready for a “black swan” event in the water business? Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features March 17, 2022 444Felicia Marcus, Pat Mulroy, Jeffrey Kightlinger, and Tom Kennedy discuss unexpected events and how the water industry can prepare for...
CA WATER COMMISSION: State Water Project Delivery Reliability Report; Planning for a dry 2022 Maven Notebook News and Features March 9, 2022 333At the February meeting of the California Water Commission, the commissioners began their 2022 State Water Project review by hearing...
COMMENTARY: Despite heavy snow, we must seek a new water path Ag Alert Commentary January 5, 2022 1By Justin Fredrickson, Ag Alert California is facing an indisputable fact: We need, in a big way, to get busy...
CA IRRIGATION INSTITUTE CONFERENCE: Urban and Agricultural Water Use in California, 1960 – 2015 Maven Notebook News and Features March 11, 2021 187Water managers forecast future water demand for a variety of purposes, including planning future water purchases or building new infrastructure....
DELTA WATERMASTER UPDATE: Preparing for a dry year in the Delta; Addressing problems in the South Delta Maven Notebook News and Features March 10, 2021 258At the February meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Watermaster Michael George updated the councilmembers on the efforts underway...
What is Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM)? Maven Notebook News and Features February 17, 2021 894Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) is an initiative led by the Department of Water Resources that seeks to support collaborative...
BROWN BAG SEMINAR: Franks Tract Futures: Using map based public surveys to inform a participatory multi-benefit design project Maven Delta science June 23, 2020 303Sea Grant is a federal state partnership between NOAA and 34 university based programs in every coastal and Great Lakes...
STATE OF THE ESTUARY: Green Infrastructure Implementation Challenges and Opportunities: Navigating Constraints and Issues of Scale Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features January 30, 2020 351Green infrastructure can be a resilient, multi-benefit approach to address issues such as urban runoff pollution and climate change adaptation....
DELTA STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL: Briefing on the 2019 update to the State of the Estuary Report Maven Notebook News and Features January 15, 2020 201The San Francisco Estuary Partnership periodically reports on the health of the estuary, producing the State of the Estuary report...
ACWA PANEL DISCUSSION: The building blocks of success in the Delta Maven Notebook News and Features December 18, 2019 520DeDe D’Adamo, Karla Nemeth, and Susan Tatayon give their thoughts about going forward in the Delta in a panel discussion...
STATE OF ESTUARY: Standing too close to the elephant: addressing scales in restoration and fisheries conservation Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features December 5, 2019 806Dr. Rachel Johnson discusses the interconnectedness of the San Francisco’s freshwater, estuarine, and marine systems The San Francisco Estuary is...
FELICIA MARCUS: One Delta, one estuary–Connecting California through water Maven Notebook News and Features December 4, 2019 1028In her address to the State of the Estuary conference, Felicia Marcus spoke about the connections of the Delta to...
ELLEN HANAK: Managing Drought in a Changing Climate: Four Essential Reforms Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features May 22, 2019 802Climate change is having a profound impact on California’s water resources, as evidenced by greater weather extremes, reduced snowpack, higher...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Franks Tract feasibility study: Applying the guidance of a Delta Renewed Maven Notebook News and Features February 7, 2019 420One of the elements of the 2016 Delta Smelt Resiliency Strategy is assessing the feasibility of restoring Franks Tract. The...