Legislative hearing: Pending Delta decisions and their potential economic and other impacts on San Francisco and the Bay Area, part 2 Maven Notebook News and Features March 30, 2016 350Bay Area stakeholders have their say On March 11, the Senate Select Committee on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta held an...
Legislative hearing: Pending Delta decisions and their potential economic and other impacts on San Francisco and the Bay Area, part 1 Maven Notebook News and Features March 29, 2016 386Secretary John Laird discusses Cal Water Fix with respect to the Bay Area; State Water Board’s Diane Riddle updates on...
Legislative hearing: Are the Delta tunnels good for California? (part 2 of 2) Maven Notebook News and Features August 26, 2015 1977Coverage of the hearing concludes with former Delta watermaster Craig Wilson and economist Dr. Jeff Michael, plus highlights from the...
Legislative hearing: Are the Delta tunnels good for California? (part 1 of 2) Maven Notebook News and Features August 25, 2015 820Senator Wolk leads a hearing on the Delta tunnels: The Legislative Analyst’s Office first briefs the legislators; Dr. Christina Swanson...
Wolk, Bonham, and Cowin discuss the BDCP, Cal Water Fix, and Cal Eco Restore Maven Notebook News and Features May 27, 2015 797At a budget subcommittee hearing last week, Senator Wolk has some questions for Director Bonham and Director Cowin on the...
Flood management oversight hearing, part 2: The Who, What, Where & Why of Flood Control in the Central Valley Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features March 11, 2015 1159Legislators hear from the multiple agencies and organizations with flood management responsibilities in the Central Valley In the Central Valley,...
Flood management oversight hearing, part 1: Addressing California’s growing flood risk Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features March 10, 2015 1152With 7 million Californians and $600 billion in assets at risk, Assembly oversight hearing examines the state’s liability for flood...
Prop 1 oversight hearing, part 3: Looking ahead: Stakeholder recommendations for maximizing public benefits Maven Notebook News and Features February 26, 2015 263Stakeholders discuss how the $7.5 billion in bond funds should be spent to benefit the most Californians The passage of...
Prop 1 oversight hearing, part 2: First out of the gate: State entities with proposed water bond funding Maven Notebook News and Features February 25, 2015 548Department heads tell legislators how they plan to disburse the first round of funds from Proposition 1 Last November, voters...
Proposition 1 Oversight Hearing, part 1: Background on the water bond and principles for moving forward Maven Notebook News and Features February 24, 2015 463Anton Favorini-Csorba gives an overview of Prop 1 and makes recommendations for ensuring legislative oversight on the expenditure of water...
Groundwater adjudication hearing, part 3: Panel discussion on options for moving forward Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features December 17, 2014 657Groundwater adjudications, notoriously expensive and time consuming, emerged as an issue during the development and ultimate passage of the Sustainable...
Groundwater adjudication hearing, part 2: Case Study on the Antelope Valley Adjudication Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features December 16, 2014 1990The Antelope Valley groundwater adjudication case is the current poster child for how painfully long and expensive groundwater adjudications can...
Groundwater adjudication hearing, part 1: Justice Robie with an overview on how groundwater disputes are resolved in California Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features December 15, 2014 1452In August of this year, Governor Brown signed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, requiring local officials for the first time...
The House Rules Committee debates HR 5781, the California Emergency Drought Relief Act of 2014 Maven Notebook News and Features December 7, 2014 625The only debate on HR 5781 California Emergency Drought Relief Act of 2014 apparently was in the House Rules Committee...
Sustainable Groundwater Management Workshop, Part 3 of 3: The Valley Ag Water Coalition and the Planning and Conservation League weigh in Maven Notebook News and Features May 30, 2014 476Last month, the Brown Administration held the second of two workshops to gather input on possible groundwater legislation to heard...