California Water Policy Seminar Series: Money, Water and Fish: Prospects for Reconciliation Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and FeaturesScience May 27, 2014 595The California Water Policy Seminar Series, presented by the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and the law school’s California...
Endangered species and drought: Can we break out of the Endangered Species Act death spiral? Maven Notebook News and Features May 20, 2014 623 Professor Peter Moyle, former Deputy Secretary of the Interior David Hayes, Professor Richard Frank and others discuss the impact...
California Water Policy Seminar Series: Farms, floods, fowl and fish on the Yolo Bypass: Can we all get along here? Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and Features May 12, 2014 1494The California Water Policy Seminar Series, presented by the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and the law school’s California...
California Water Policy Seminar Series: Peter Moyle and Melanie Truan: Applying reconciliation ecology to aquatic ecosystems in California Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and Features March 17, 2014 1664The 2014 California Water Policy Seminar Series, presented by the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and the law school’s...
Wildlife organizations send letter to State Water Board: Don’t leave the refuges out to dry Maven Notebook News and Features March 11, 2014 193The Nature Conservancy, the Trust for Public Land, Audubon, Defenders of Wildlife, Ducks Unlimited and the California Waterfowl Association have...
California Water Policy Seminar Series: Michael Rosenzweig: Tactics for conserving diversity: Global vertebrate patterns point the way Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and Features March 10, 2014 374The 2014 California Water Policy Seminar Series presented by the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and the law school’s...
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service scheduled to continue special drought-related sampling for Delta smelt; Program providing water managers with real-time information on smelt movement US Fish and Wildlife Service Agency News February 27, 2014 125From the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has completed the first phase of...
Reclamation to cease flows for San Joaquin River Restoration one month early; no flows for 2014 unless things change Bureau of Reclamation News Agency News January 31, 2014 178From the Bureau of Reclamation: “The Bureau of Reclamation will begin reducing San Joaquin River Restoration Program’s Restoration Flows Saturday,...
CSPA Press Release: State and federal water projects violate standards: Delta fisheries plunge in summer of 2013 CA Sportfishing Protection Alliance Press Release/Other November 6, 2013 155From the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, this press release: “The state and federal water export projects continue to ignore regulatory...
Fish Restoration Program Agreement update: Propsect Island, groundwater monitoring and more Department of Water Resources (DWR) Delta science August 22, 2013 102From the Department of Water Resources, this update on the latest activities of the Fish Restoration Program Agreement (FRPA): Prospect...
California Water Policy Seminar Series continues with Peter Moyle: The future of freshwater fishes in California Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features February 26, 2013 880The UC Davis California Water Policy Seminar Series continued on February 11, 2013, with California fish expert Peter B. Moyle,...
Delta Stewardship Council science update: Delta smelt index dropping, Delta Science Plan starts to take shape and more Maven Notebook News and Features February 1, 2013 167Bad news regarding the Delta smelt and other species in the Delta, the Delta Science Plan starts to take shape,...