From the Cal Water Fix Hearing Team at the State Water Board: Please read this email carefully because it contains important information concerning due dates established during the hearing on February 8, 2018. During the hearing on February 8, 2018,...
Build one tunnel now, second in the future From the Department of Water Resources, this letter addressed to public water agencies participating in California Water Fix: As you know, California WaterFix marked several key milestones in 2017 and the state...
Briefing on the reconsulation process gives context for recent public meetings to maximize CVP deliveries The January meeting of Metropolitan’s Special Committee on the Bay Delta featured a briefing on the process underway at the Bureau of Reclamation for the...
The latest ruling letter from the State Water Board’s Cal Water Fix hearing team addresses the disposition of late-submitted written testimony and exhibits for the case-in-chief phase of Part 2 of the California WaterFix change petition hearing, written testimony outside the...
From the State Water Resources Control Board’s Cal Water Fix hearing team: This ruling addresses questions raised by parties during the pre-hearing conference held on October 19, 2017. The ruling letter covers changes in the project, Delta flow criteria, reports...