Amendments to H.R. 6147 would strike language prohibiting lawsuits against California water projects including WaterFix Today, Congressmen Jerry McNerney (CA-09), and John Garamendi (CA-03) offered amendments to H.R. 6147, the Interior and Environment appropriations bills, to remove language that would...
The Delta Reform Act, as implemented by the Delta Stewardship Council (DSC), requires a project proponent to certify through a Consistency Determination that proposed covered...
Yesterday, the Metropolitan Water District voted once again to support construction of the full California Water Fix project, amongst allegations of Brown Act violations and backroom deals. Here are reactions I’ve received so far: From the Delta Counties Coalition: The...
The June meeting of Metropolitan’s Special Committee on the Bay Delta included an update on the Cal Water Fix project, and an update on Delta science efforts regarding longfin smelt studies, predation studies, and the Yolo Bypass Fish Habitat Restoration...
From the Department of Water Resources: The California WaterFix Administrative Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) has been...
Re-vote scheduled for July 10 board meeting The following is the text of a memo sent to the Metropolitan Board of Directors from General Counsel Marcia Scully and General Manager Jeff Kightlinger: Date: June 6, 2018 To: Board of Directors,...
Lawsuit alleges Council violated the Delta Reform Act and the California Environmental Quality Act by amending the Delta Plan to give the tunnels priority over restoring the Bay-Delta From the Center for Biological Diversity: A coalition of environmental groups today...