The Department of Water Resources has sent a letter to Randy Fiorini withdrawing the Department’s certification of consistency for the California Water Fix. “While DWR firmly believes the timing of filing the Certification of Consistency for WaterFix was appropriate based...
Public workshop scheduled for November 15 and 16 From the Delta Stewardship Council: The Delta Stewardship Council (Council) will conduct a public workshop on November 15-16, 2018 at the Ramada Inn (1250 Halyard Drive, West Sacramento, CA 95691) to review...
From the Bureau of Reclamation: “The Bureau of Reclamation released today the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement for the California WaterFix. The document outlines several changes proposed by the California Department of Water Resources, the state lead agency...
MWD’s planned rate hikes to pay for WaterFix Project violate Propositions 26 and 13 From Food and Water Watch: Food & Water Watch and Center for Food Safety served a lawsuit today to challenge the Metropolitan Water District of Southern...
From the California Water Fix Hearing Team, the latest ruling letter on the California Water Fix hearing for the change in point of diversion: This ruling addresses testimony that is partly or wholly outside the scope of Part 2 rebuttal,...