CASGEM Report: DWR/Local Groundwater Monitoring Partnership Expands and Improves Maven Press Release/Other July 13, 2016 219From the Department of Water Resources: The latest update on California’s efforts to track groundwater shows that 94 percent of...
2014 Water Year in Review, Part 3: Groundwater, Delta smelt, and Sacramento’s response to the drought Maven Notebook News and Features December 5, 2014 699At the November meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, council members heard from numerous agency and water officials on how...
This just in … Updated Report: Groundwater Resources Depleted By Drought Department of Water Resources (DWR) Reports December 2, 2014 556From the Department of Water Resources: Following one of the driest years on record when groundwater resources have provided an...
This just in … CASGEM posts list and map of unmonitored high and medium priority groundwater basins as of July 15; technical report and public comments also posted Department of Water Resources (DWR) Agency News July 17, 2014 473The Department of Water Resources has produced a list and a map showing the high and medium priority groundwater basins...
This just in … Final CASGEM Groundwater Basin Prioritization results now available Department of Water Resources (DWR) Agency News June 10, 2014 408From the Department of Water Resources CASGEM program: “To meet requirements specified in the California Water Code, the Department of...
DWR Groundwater Report, the picture edition Maven Press Release/Other May 1, 2014 358I was preparing to print out DWR’s groundwater report, but then I realized that out of the 51 pages, most...
DWR releases report on groundwater basins with potential shortages, monitoring, gaps Maven Press Release/Other April 30, 2014 567From the Department of Water Resources: The Department of Water Resources (DWR) today released a report on groundwater showing that...
California Water Commission: Update on DWR’s groundwater activities and the CASGEM program Maven Notebook News and Features April 4, 2014 756At the March 19th meeting of the California Water Commission, Dan McManus, Senior Engineering Geologist for the Department of Water...
Groundwater at the Delta Stewardship Council, part 1: Subsidence in the Central Valley and an update on CASGEM Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features March 17, 2014 1035Groundwater is taking a much-needed leading role in water policy these days, with the drought and several state-led efforts, such...