riverine Maven July 28, 2013 0 50 « Back to Glossary IndexRiverine means relating to or resembling a river, or located on or inhabiting the banks of a river; riparian. Related Articles: DAILY DIGEST, 3/11: CA’s historic storms driven by climate change; Is the West still facing a water crisis?; DWR celebrates National Groundwater Awareness Week; New floodplain restoration project for San Joaquin Valley; and more …DAILY DIGEST, weekend edition: Say goodbye to El Niño – what does new weather pattern mean?; ;Los Angeles just showed how spongy a city can be; Tulare Lake is gone, but the toll lingers; Colorado River impasse could lead to legal chaos; and more …C-WIN: Muddying the Waters: State Water Board’s Bay-Delta Environmental Analysis Falls ShortNEW REPORT: Escalating Water Risks Threaten U.S. AgricultureBAY DELTA PLAN UPDATE: A deep dive into the staff report for the for the Sacramento Delta update: How do the voluntary agreements stack up?« Back to Glossary Index