In California water news today, In the Fate of the Delta Smelt, Warnings of Conservation Gone Wrong; California struggles to...
In California water news this weekend, State releases new benefit assessments of water storage proposals; Reclamation boosts CVP allocations to...
In California water news today, Can California’s groundwater basins be managed collaboratively?; A look inside the California water crisis that...
In California water news today, Oroville Dam phase 2 construction expected to start May 8; How California water suppliers are...
In California water news today, Friant Water Authority: California’s water math does not compute; Nourishment and poison: Nitrogen’s double life;...
In California water news today, Radio show: Does water scarcity threaten California’s agricultural industry?; Thomas Elias interviews gubernatorial candidate Travis...
In California water news today, Southern California plans to spend $11 billion on the delta tunnels. Who will end up...
In California water news this weekend, White House, Congress side with California growers over raising Shasta Dam; Delta Tunnel Vote...
In California water news today, Climate change is messing with your dinner; California needs a cure for its unhealthy forests; Supreme...
In California water news today, MWD’s mega tunnel project: What could go wrong? and more Cal Water Fix news and...
In California water news today, Southern California water agency votes to fund construction of two Delta tunnels; Low water supplies...
In California water news today, Vote on Southern California’s investment in Delta tunnel project could be a nail biter; Governor...
In California water news today, California’s groundwater legislation could mean opportunities, not penalties; DWR says Oroville Dam main spillway won’t...
In California water news this weekend, Southern California might pay for two Delta tunnels after all; Lake Oroville rises; spillway...
In California water news today, Heavy rain expected in Northern California through Saturday; California storm may test spillway at nation’s...