DWR: 45-Day Public Comment Period Opens for Draft PSP for Reservoir Gaging at Ungated Spillways (RGUS) Project

The California Department of Water Resources is pleased to announce the release of the Reservoir Gaging at Ungated Spillways (RGUS) Project draft proposal solicitation (PSP) for a 45-day public comment period. The RGUS project plans to install real-time reservoir elevation gages at 20 or more dams that have ungated spillways. Up to $3.5 million is available through Proposition 68 (2018) and the General Fund. The public comment period opened October 17, 2024, and will close at 5:00 pm on Monday, December 2, 2024.

Comments can be submitted by one of the following methods:

Electronic Mail

Send comments to RDDGprogram@water.ca.gov.

Hard Copy via U.S. Mail

Reservoir Gaging at Ungated Spillways Project
Attn: Boone Lek
Department of Water Resources
3310 El Camino Avenue
Sacramento CA, 95821