This aerial view looks north along the Sacramento River and River Road and Hood Franklin Road (right riverbank), just west of Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge in Sacramento County. Photo by Dale Kolke / DWR

NOTICE of October 17, 2024 Delta Conveyance Project pre-hearing conference and procedural ruling

From the State Water Resources Control Board:

The State Water Resources Control Board Administrative Hearings Office will hold a Pre-Hearing Conference in the proceeding on the pending Petitions for Change of Water Right Permits 16478, 16479, 16481, and 16482 (Applications 5630, 14443, 14445A, and 17512, respectively) of the Department of Water Resources.  The Pre-Hearing Conference will begin on
October 17, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. and will be held by Zoom teleconference.

As provided in the July 31, 2024 Notice of Public Hearing (July 31 Hearing Notice), the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board or Board) Administrative Hearings Office (AHO) will hold a public hearing on the proposed Delta Conveyance Project (DCP). The hearing will address the water right change petitions filed by the Department of Water Resources (DWR or Petitioner) to add two new points of diversion and rediversion to water right Permits 16478, 16479, 16481, and 16482 (DCP Change Petitions). The purpose of the hearing is to gather evidence to determine whether to
approve these petitions and, if so, what specific terms and conditions should be included in DWR’s amended permits for the State Water Project.
