NOTICE: Approval To Use Voluntary Agreement on Unnamed Tributary to Buck Creek and Kendall Creek Tributary

From the State Water Resources Control Board:

As required by the State Water Resources Control Board’s Cannabis Cultivation Policy (Cannabis Policy), this email provides notice of approval of voluntary agreements for the diversion of water for cannabis cultivation.  The approvals are summarized below:


The Cannabis Policy allows for cultivators to request approval from the Deputy Director of the Division of Water Rights (Deputy Director), to implement agreements entered into Cannabis Policy (numeric, narrative, and forbearance) if the agreement provides watershed-wide protection of aquatic species that is comparable or greater than the Cannabis Policy’s instream flow requirements. Other local cooperative solutions proposed by cultivators may include but are not limited to alternative means of reducing water use to preserve the required instream flows, coordination of diversions or water sharing, and requests to use, install, or operate a local gage and move the flow Requirement compliance point to that gage location.

The Deputy Director may approve submitted requests subject to such conditions, including reporting requirements, that the Deputy Director deems necessary to prevent injury to other legal users of water or the environment.  Any interested person may file an objection to the proposed agreement, proposed local cooperative solution, or decision.

If you have questions, please contact Division staff by email to:

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