NOTICE of Petition for Temporary Transfer per Various Department of Water Resources and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation License and Permits Press Release/Notice ANNOUNCEMENTS May 31, 2023 127From the State Water Resources Control Board: On May 19, 2023, the Department of Water Resources (DWR), and the U.S....
DELTA STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL: Certification of consistency filed for Prospect Island Tidal Habitat Restoration Project Delta Stewardship Council ANNOUNCEMENTS May 31, 2023 85From the Delta Stewardship Council: The Department of Water Resources has filed a certification of consistency with the Delta Plan...
DAILY DIGEST, 5/31: First drought, then flood. Can the West learn to live between extremes?; Bauer-Kahan’s bill to protect water supply passes Assembly; Westlands Water District lets bounty of flood water flow to the ocean; Wet year promises a boost to both Colorado River Basin reservoirs and ecosystems; and more … Maven Daily Digest May 31, 2023 779[cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … WEBINAR: Advancing The Groundwater Accounting Platform in California from 12pm to 1pm. The Groundwater...
NOTEBOOK FEATURE: Sturgeon Arose During the Jurassic—Can They Survive the Anthropocene? Robin Meadows Delta scienceNotebook News and FeaturesScience May 31, 2023 410Written by Robin Meadows Sturgeon have been around far longer than humans—a jaw-dropping 200 million years to our comparatively short...