NOAA FISHERIES: Central California Coast Coho Salmon Need Restored Habitat to Improve Resilience to Climate Change NOAA Fisheries NewsScience May 2, 2023 14Endangered Species Act review says salmon species still endangered and vulnerable to drought and climate change. By NOAA Fisheries Although...
DAILY DIGEST, 5/2: DWR conducts May 1 snow survey; Slow-moving storm to bring month’s worth of rain, unusually low temps; Killing fish to save frogs; In a changing climate, what does a “normal” year of wildfires look like?; and more … Maven Daily Digest May 2, 2023 784[cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … LEG HEARING: Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife beginning at 9am. Click here...
RESERVOIR REPORT for May 1, 2023 Robert Shibatani Notebook News and Features May 2, 2023 1670Written by Robert Shibatani For a moment it was looking as though we had skipped over Spring and went directly...