DAILY DIGEST, 2/9: Duarte, once fined $1M for destroying wetlands, now fighting clean water rules in Congress; Josh Harder: ‘We will not let them take our water’; Dan Walters on CA’s long and complicated water history; Evaporation critical to CA’s Colorado River supplies; and more … Maven Daily Digest February 9, 2023 132[cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … WEBINAR: Planning and Conservation League: Groundwater recharge, updating CA water laws from 9am to...
WATER COMMISSION: Commissioners prepare for final funding awards as first water storage program project nears the finish line Maven Notebook News and Features February 9, 2023 119Regional San’s Harvest Water project expected to be the first project to receive final funding award In 2014, voters approved...
NOW AVAILABLE: The State of Bay Delta Science 2022: primary production, invasive aquatic vegetation, remote sensing, harmful algal blooms, carbon sequestration, and more … Maven Delta scienceScience February 9, 2023 51The State of Bay-Delta Science (SBDS) is a collection of papers that represents the state of scientific knowledge on relevant...
NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE: The Delta Science Tracker Delta Stewardship Council ANNOUNCEMENTSScience Announcement February 9, 2023 24The Delta Science Tracker is an online tool that hosts a comprehensive inventory of scientific research and monitoring activities conducted...
BULLETIN 120 for February 1, 2023 Maven ANNOUNCEMENTS February 9, 2023 400DWR has finished the February 1, 2023 Water Supply Index (WSI) and Bulletin 120 (B120) forecasts. These forecasts include observed...
NOW AVAILABLE: Updated Open & Transparent Water Data Act Implementation Journal Maven ANNOUNCEMENTS February 9, 2023 4The AB 1755 Partner Agency Team has released an update to the Open and Transparent Water Data Act Implementation Journal....