From the State Water Resources Control Board:
The Department of Water Resources is proposing the North Delta Drought Salinity Barriers Project (Project) to maintain water quality within the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The proposed Project consists of installing two temporary rock barriers, on Miner and Steamboat sloughs, that are designed to control salinity intrusion from the Central and South Delta by keeping more freshwater flow in the Sacramento River. Each barrier consists of a trapezoidal embankment rock structure with a wide base that tapers up to a 12-foot-wide top set perpendicular to the channel alignment. Both barriers have a manually operated fish passage culvert that can be opened periodically to allow fish passage. The proposed Project also includes a boat ramp at the Steamboat Slough barrier site.
Pursuant to California Code of Regulations, title 23, section 3858, the State Water Resources Control Board posted Public Notice for a Clean Water Act 401 water quality certification application for the North Delta Drought Salinity Barriers Project (Project). To view the notice, please visit our Public Notices webpage at:
If you have questions regarding the Project, please contact Glenn Hoffmann at