SAN JOAQUIN RIVER RESTORATION PROGRAM increases Restoration Flows during winter

From the San Joaquin River Restoration Program:

The San Joaquin River Restoration Program Restoration Administrator has adjusted the schedule of Restoration Flows on the San Joaquin River. On December 16, Friant Dam will increase releases to meet a target of 415 cfs at Gravelly Ford (increasing from 365 cfs). This flow rate will be held into January 2023, with potential for additional flow increases in early or mid-January. Flows at Friant Dam will vary between approximately 550 cfs and 690 cfs to maintain the scheduled flow rate at Gravelly Ford, 38 miles downstream of the dam. As a result of the increased releases, those recreating on the river will experience deeper water and faster current throughout the Restoration Area. 

The Reclamation-approved Restoration Flow schedule is as follows:


Friant Dam Releases

Gravelly Ford


Through December 15

550 cfs

365 cfs

December 16 – January 15

600 – 640 cfs

415 cfs

January 16 – February 9

620 – 690 cfs

Approximately 455 cfs

February 10 – February 28

420 – 480 cfs

255 cfs

For information about Restoration Flows, please visit  

For the Restoration Administrator recommendations, please visit

For additional information about the San Joaquin River Restoration Program, please visit or contact Josh Newcom, Public Affairs Specialist, at 916-978-5508 or