AG ALERT: Irrigators with senior water rights prevail in court fight Ag Alert News September 20, 2022By Peter Hecht, Ag Alert A state appeals court has issued a ruling protecting longstanding water rights of many California...
AG ALERT: Irrigators with senior water rights prevail in court fight Ag Alert News September 20, 2022 63By Peter Hecht, Ag Alert A state appeals court has issued a ruling protecting longstanding water rights of many California...
DAILY DIGEST, 9/20: Western reservoirs could run dry in 3 years, top official warns; DISB requests extension on Delta tunnel Draft EIR comments; Wildfires are burning away the West’s snow; Phoenix won’t limit water use because CA would take saved gallons; and more … Maven Daily Digest September 20, 2022 798— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … MEETING: State Water Resources Control Board meets beginning at 9:30am. Agenda items include...
METROPOLITAN IMPORTED WATER COMMITTEE: Challenges ahead for Metropolitan’s water supplies in 2023 Maven Notebook News and Features September 20, 2022 341Storage supplies not evenly distributed throughout the service area; Changes in accounting on the Colorado River could further impact supplies...