NEPA DOCS: 2022 Tehama-Colusa Canal Authority In-Basin Water Transfers Maven ANNOUNCEMENTS February 4, 2022 72From the Bureau of Reclamation: The Member Units of the TCCA may experience water shortages in 2022 and are soliciting...
WEEKLY WATER NEWS DIGEST for Jan 31-Feb 4: California Water Plan Update; Lookout Slough Project appealed; Stressors on native fish; plus all the top water news of the week Maven Weekly Digest February 4, 2022 204A wrap-up of posts published on Maven’s Notebook this week … Note to readers: Sign up for weekly email service...
DAILY DIGEST, 2/4: Experts urge overhaul of California’s ‘antiquated’ water laws; PG&E to bring Potter Valley Project back online; Gov.’s proposed $40 million for farmland retirement is welcome but more needed; Top ten reasons why wild salmon runs collapsed; and more … Maven Daily Digest February 4, 2022 953— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] In California water news today … Experts urge overhaul of California’s ‘antiquated’ water laws “As California enters its...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: I’m not that Shallow – Surprising Similarity in Zooplankton Communities Collected at Different Depths Near Wetland Restoration Sites Maven Delta science February 4, 2022 108Wetland restoration has been identified as a key management tool for increasing food availability for at-risk fishes in the San...
DWR takes next steps towards groundwater sustainability Department of Water Resources (DWR) Agency News February 4, 2022From the Department of Water Resources: California has reached a major milestone in its implementation of the landmark Sustainable Groundwater...