NOTICE: San Joaquin River Restoration Program Rewets River, Modifies Flow Schedule

From the San Joaquin River Restoration Program:

In late December, Restoration Flows succeeded in reconnecting and fully rewetting the San Joaquin River between Friant Dam and the Merced River.  Restoration Flow releases will be made from Friant Dam consistent with the Restoration Administrator’s flow schedule. This notice serves to inform the public that the Restoration Administrator for the San Joaquin River Restoration Program has modified the schedule Restoration Flows on the San Joaquin River.

Currently, Friant Dam is releasing about 650 cfs to result in 430 cfs passing Gravelly Ford. This flow rate is extended through the end of January. In February, the Restoration Administrator plans to reduce Friant Dam releases.

The public is encouraged to monitor flow conditions if recreating on or near the San Joaquin River. Natural storm runoff and changes to the Restoration Flow schedule may occur at any time. After months of low flows due to drought, it may be tempting to underestimate the power of the river and the effects of cold water. Please use caution.

Fisheries scientists identified 32 redds (fish nests with eggs) below Friant Dam this autumn, and these redds are currently producing salmon fry. Juveniles will continue to emerge for the next month, then remain in the San Joaquin River below Friant Dam until spring, at which time they will emigrate downriver to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, and then the Pacific Ocean.

The Restoration Flow schedule is changed to the following:

Date Friant Dam Releases Restoration Flows at Gravelly Ford
December 29 – January 31 Approximately 650 cfs 430 cfs
February 1 – February 28 Approximately 350 cfs 165 cfs


For Information about Restoration Flows, please visit  
For the Restoration Administrator recommendations, please visit
For additional information about the San Joaquin River Restoration Program, please visit or contact Josh Newcom, Public Affairs Specialist, at 916-978-5508 or

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